mind Put it this way
I go to the zoo, I have no what to do, summer in Buenos Aires.
I go to the elephant cage.
-Conchuda The giraffe is an elephant, "he says, tilting his head slightly as I was sniffing with the nose hair. The boys go and bring him cookies, sandwich cookies, the boluda stick a couple of laps and nothing else. I fear because there is always a National Geographic documentary where an elephant is heated, open ears, ten or fifteen steps forward to take a bump. But if you look closely you never stop attacking. What it does to stop fucking with photos, nothing else.
I go to the tiger cage.
-King of the jungle, the lion "The tiger stretches, lie on your side again. King of the jungle it-is played with a foot (rear) eggs. If we do a head to head in a park I eat potatoes garnished with English. What happens is that the lion is Melenita, and the little hair and impressive. Besides, look how I am, all faded, I barely see the stripes. I told the lining here that I brushed with white soap, but no one gives ball. Use a soap shit, I get hives over. The lion is pure marketing.
I go to the monkey.
-Olé, olé olé olé ... "I cry a chimpanzee, from above, hanging an arm, while leaving wobble shit. We play a game, five against five, the guards, the other day. Behind the lake where the swans, we made popcorn. We bet. If we won we had to prepare us thirty liters of banana smoothie every morning for a month. With sugar, smoothies, oatmeal, and a little sweet milk, too.
- What if you lost?
"If we lost we gave them a Ramona-pointing back and up, a monkey on top of a tree, sitting on a branch, her nails, absorbed. Also for a month, could come times as they liked, free. Ramona rubber strip as anyone. There is a before and after. There are things known only to the animals. The thing is we won, four to one. They stayed reheat. Brought ten gallons of a liquid fart, mixed with water. They say that milk is very expensive, they cut the budget. We are preparing a strike monkeys in all the zoos in the world. We are going to sit in rush hour, back to the bars. We will not jump or to move or laugh for photos, thousands and thousands of monkeys idly without grimaces, nothing. You'll see how the proceeds are going to hell, fucking manga.
light a cigarette, walk a little. Does the same thing 're a high school teacher, or working in an office. It's the same everywhere.
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